
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Challenges (Programming class 6)

Who: Baan Pathomtham 5th grade class
Where: at home
When: break between terms

This is a set of challenges meant to test what the kids have learned this term. Initially, I had planned to use these during our last session, but the schedule requires us to leave these for independent work at home during the break.


Do as much as you can.
These are fun, but are supposed to be hard.
Work on the challenges in any order you want
Use your computer, old programs, and any references you want.
If you have a question, ask! If you are confused about something, ask!

Challenge 1:
Someone deleted a line of code in two of my programs, can you fix them?

A. Program is supposed to make this star

What is missing? Copy the program and add the missing line.

B. Program is supposed to write a little message
What is missing? Copy the program and add the missing line.

Challenge 2:
What does the following program draw?

Challenge 3:
Write a program that draws this spiral:

Extra Challenge:
Add the button and animation to the spiral in challenge 3.

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