This is where parents should start:
- Talking Math with Kids. Why and how to talk math with kids, especially informative story examples. Make sure to check out Which One Doesn't Belong.
- Explorations: Peter Liljedahl calls these numeracy tasks. Download one and talk about it with your kids. Even though he has grouped by age, don't be restricted to those suggestions. In particular, older kids (and adults) can still get a lot out of discussing even the "K-3" scenarios.
- NRICH: healthy math snacks. go online for 5 minutes and you will have a great activity to do with your kids. They also now have Wild Maths
- Let's Play Math (Math Teachers at Play): curated linkfest that will take you to other great sources of ideas. This is for when you have time to browse and plan. The book, Let's Play Math, is also a great place to get started.
- Mike's Lawler's blog: wonderful collection of (mostly) videos of his family working through problems, puzzles and mathematical explorations.
I just found mathpickle and am debating where to put it on this list of highlights. Maybe tied for 5th?
Mindset for teaching math at home
- Growth mindset and math (Jo Boaler)
- Talking Math with Kids http://talkingmathwithkids.com/
- Kids Quadrant http://kidsquadrant.com/
- Mathematicians talk about what they do with their own kids
- Mathematicians talk about their own childhood experiences
Philosophy (of math and of teaching math)
- Math habits of mind: one of my favorites that I cannot recommend highly enough
- Lists of Math habits of mind: worthy companion to the previous item
- Mathsemantics: a really great book
- Lockhat’s A Mathematician’s Lament: http://www.maa.org/devlin/lockhartslament.pdf
Other people's resource lists
- David Wees's catalog. A great list of resources from a teacher
- Seattle Homeschool Group: mostly problem solving (contest?) oriented for elementary to middle school
Analog world
- Math 4 Love Game Collection: http://mathforlove.com/lessons/
- Mathhombre's games collection and Mathpickles collection
- Classic games
- Pencil and paper games from Tapson via Dan Burfiend
- Riddles from FiveThirtyEight, Riddles.com, Stackexchange, MathMom
- Acing Math card games
- Other card games
- Dudeney's Canterbury Puzzles.
- Julia Robinson Math Festival problem sets
- Grid logic puzzles: Logic-Puzzles and Einstein Puzzles
- Edutopia Made for Play
- Math Hombre collection: http://mathhombre.blogspot.com/p/games.html
- Solve/reverse equation game: http://mathjokes4mathyfolks.wordpress.com/2014/08/15/think-of-a-number/
- War card game for practicing arithmetic: http://letsplaymath.net/2006/12/29/the-game-that-is-worth-1000-worksheets/
- Another collection here linking to a specific subtraction example: http://www.learn-with-math-games.com/subtraction-for-kids.html
- Tangrams
- http://www.mathpuzzle.com/loyd/, The griddle puzzles
- http://www.numbergossip.com/
- Find the factors
- Collection of fraction drills and games
- Origami: fraction folding
- Mathematical coloring book and nice worksheets (!) from mathematician/father
- Physical puzzles: PuzzleMad, rubik's cube,
- Go/Baduk/Wei Qi: Interactive Way to Go, Crazy Sensei, Tsumego from Sensei's Library, Tel's Go Notes.
- Lure of the Labyrinth: really great game with a collection of games/puzzles, FREE!
- NCTM collection: http://calculationnation.nctm.org/
- I particularly like Prime Time, NexTu and Times Square
- SolveMe Mobiles from EDC
- McGraw Hill Connect (Math Applets associated with a book we like.)
- 2048-style game with Fibonacci sequence.
- Euclid: The Game. Compass and straight-edge constructions. Another version.
- Art games (they called them tools): http://mathmunch.org/math-art-tools/
- Fun puzzle and puzzle creation based on multiplication: Bojagi
- Sheppard Software: games that are mostly drill-based. J2 played Balloon Pop for comparing fractions and enjoyed it.
- Factor Feeder: pacman style game for gobbling factors. Fun, but limited mathematical content. Other games on the site seem to have some potential as well: http://www.hoodamath.com/
- Internet4Classrooms: large directory of skill-focused games.
- Telescope puzzles in a large puzzle compendium.
This list includes posts or items that teach a specific concept.
- Math: Georgia Standards of Excellence.
- Drawing: Human Body progression, proportions and many more proportions, chickens
- Math: virtual manipulatives, Number Talk Images
- Math history: diversity of mathematical contributors
- Various: Thought Cafe
- ELA: peoets.org
- ELA: Lesson Plans, graded reading material at FSU Lit2Go and The Literature Project
- Reading:Teach your Monster to Read
- ELA: blank Calvin & Hobbes strips
- ELA: vocabulary lists by grade
- Philosophy: Teaching Children Philosophy
- Ready made lessons: http://prethomework.weebly.com/
- Math activities: Splats (Wybourney), Desmos Activities.
- Math: using models (mostly bar models) from two Singaporean Teachers
- Math: activities from Jo Boaler's team (You Cubed)
- Math: collection of assorted activities Daily Routines
- Math: CSMP Storybooks and workbooks that I used when I was in primary school: main link and archive link
- Math: Al-abacus/rightstart math: http://rightstartmath.com/
- Math: Mathematics Mastery. http://www.mathematicsmastery.org/
- Math, intended for non-mathematicians, but I think good for everyone: Art of Math, Cited in this atlantic article
- Math: Good "real world" investigations from Mathalicious
- Math: triggers for asking good questions: 101 Questions
- Math: how to write a proof, flexagon portal, Adding and subtracting negative numbers.
- Estimating and comparing: Estimation180 and Would You Rather?
- Math: PCMI problem sets
- Math: AMC problems
- Math: Mathematical Atlas, Wiki summary of popular math
- Math (geometry): puzzles and challenges
- Math: CHAMP activities. MAP activities for 6th grade plus
- Math of juggling: Siteswap intro, Colin Wright video, patterns in action
- Game Theory: And Parenting
- Science: collection of key ideas and associated student misconceptions: AAAS ScienceAssessment
- Random Science games from EDC
- NASA resources
- Math/science podcasts: Titanium Physics Podcast, Math, PlusMaths.
- Tracker website for video analysis: http://physlets.org/tracker/
- Chess: Fritz & Chesster (great series of 3 game collections), Online Analysis Engine
- Optical Illusions: http://www.colorcube.com/illusions/illusion.htm and http://www.skytopia.com/project/illusion/illusion.html
- Coding: Manifesto for good learning environment, very useful ideas, but indirect application.
- Coding: Girls Who Code. This is a really great resource a very detailed, if somewhat prescriptive, approach, also listed in resources for general pedagogy because of the extensive discussion of how to structure the class.
- Coding: Pencilcode Book, Pencilcode Guide., and Pencilcode Gym. Project-by-project listing to build up coding knowledge from nothing to a junior/intermediate level.
- Coding: mostly web-oriented quick curricula from Girl Develop It.
- Coding: Made with Code
- programming books: https://github.com/vhf/free-programming-books/blob/master/free-programming-books.md
- programming project ideas: http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/topic/78802-martyr2s-mega-project-ideas-list/
- Coding: Coffescript Ristretto and Self/Morphic
- Coding: how to design programs
- Music: Sevcik violin exercises
- Touch typing: http://www.sense-lang.org/typing/tutor/keyboarding.php
- Cooking: Cooking for Engineers, Good Eats
- History: Jon Green's Crash Course, Memory Palace Podcast
- Language Arts: Letters of Note, Michael Clay Thompson Curriculum
- Foreign languages: Duo Lingo http://duolingo.com/
- General links to a wide range of educational sites: http://noexcuselist.com/
- Engineering/crafts: Babble Dabble Do
- Desmos: it is awesome, use it! https://www.desmos.com/
- Geogebra
- Quick Tutorial http://larkolicio.us/blog/?p=255
- A teacher uses geogebra: http://www.mrlsmath.com/
- Pencilcode.net: logo-inspired, coffeescript environment. Fantastic for starting programmers!
- Scratch: MIT gui based code development environment http://scratch.mit.edu/ and a resource for sharing its use http://scratched.gse.harvard.edu/
- Wolfram alpha: http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/index.html
- Number trivia: http://www.numberempire.com/ and http://www.numbergossip.com/
- Apps: Balefire Labs
- Ok, these are gifs, but anyway a cool way to kick-off a conversation: http://solvemymaths.com/category/maths-gif-of-the-day/ These are also awesome: http://blog.matthen.com/archive
- Vi Hart. Absolutely love her material. Here personal website and here is one youtube channel (I think she has another). A particularly fun one about snakes and graphs. Vi goes fast, so you will probably watch many times, go explore what she's talking about, go back and learn more, repeat.
- Mathematical Etudes. I'm putting this here because I recommend starting with the videos. There are accompanying notes that add some explanation to what you see on the video. Plow through the rough translation and talk about how cool all this stuff is.
Gateways to mathematical inspiration
These aren't specific to particular content, so I read them for new activities, general inspiration or amusement.
- Let's play math (my favourite linkfests): http://letsplaymath.net/mtap/
- NRICH: http://nrich.maths.org/
- Numeracy Tasks (a Peter Liljedahl creation)
- Mathbusking
- Be A Mathematician (BEAM) resources
- Great edited links and collections: http://mathmunch.org/
- http://aofradkin.wordpress.com blog of a mathematical mother, who is now teaching? Each post seems worth copying.
- http://mathinyourfeet.blogspot.com/
- Curiousa Mathematica
- Highhill Homeschool mom with a lot of activities: http://highhillhomeschool.blogspot.com/p/math.html
- Look at the math blogging retrospectuses for links to other resources: http://emergentmath.com/
- Sample math conversation (Fawn Nguyen product): http://www.mathtalks.net/
- Math Mama: http://mathmamawrites.blogspot.com/
- Keith Devlin's column: http://www.maa.org/devlin/
- dy/dan, one of the central nodes in the math social network: http://blog.mrmeyer.com/
- M + Art+ Writing. Secondary school teacher: http://mrhonner.com/
- Newton Girls Who Code Scratch Studio: http://scratch.mit.edu/studios/666978/
- Twitter (Tweeps?)
- Mathhombre his twitter account
- #math, #mathed, #mathchat
- Octonion
- List of teachers on twitter by subject area
- List of edu chats on twitter
How to teach
- Strategies to focus on Never Saying Anything a Kid Can Say.
- Science of Learning
- Girls Who Code a coding curriculum with guiding points around how to set up a class.
- Impro by Keith Johnstone. wonderful book with many ideas applicable in the classroom, even if the focus is on improvisational theater. A checklist of improv skills.
- What works and what doesn’t work (Hattie lectures): video and slides
- Characteristics of good tasks (another Peter Liljedahl link)
- Don't do X, do Y. A google doc and Nix the Tricks.
- Global Math Dept
- Complex Instruction explained and resources
- Collection of math teachers: I haven't really organized and edited these, but all are enthusiastic teachers eager to share their ideas and experiences:
- https://christopherdanielson.wordpress.com/
- http://mrvaudrey.com/
- http://jd2718.org/teaching-math/
- http://zerosumruler.wordpress.com/
- http://www.mathycathy.com/blog/
- http://drawingonmath.blogspot.com/ With a nice post of talking math with kids
- http://mathbutler.wordpress.com/
- https://pythagoraswasanerd.wordpress.com/
Math for you (more advanced material)
- https://benvitalenum3ers.wordpress.com/
- Recursivity (information theory blog), including the prime game
- Tanya Khovanova blog with a lot of puzzles and competition math: http://www.tanyakhovanova.com/
- Intersection of math and programming: http://jeremykun.com/
- Discussion of interval arithmetic and graphing: Example program, Frink language, (started here)
- Discussion related to Knuth's up arrow notation and graham's number, on math forum.
- Various, but all interesting: http://danielwalsh.tumblr.com/
General parenting
- Emotions color wheel: language and images for discussion emotions
- Quick reading level check from A2Z Homeschool.
- Vocabulary size estimator: Test Your Vocab
Summer Math programs
These are all for high school aged children:
- PROMYS: http://www.promys.org/
- Ross (mother of the PROMYS program): http://www.math.osu.edu/ross/
- Hampshire college: http://www.hcssim.org/
- Long list: http://www.ams.org/programs/students/high-school/emp-mathcamps
Teacher resources:
These are either things that are only available for teachers or, IMHO, won't really benefit parents. I haven't organized them very extensively as this has not been our area of focus.
Summer programs
- PROMYS for Teachers: http://www.promys.org/pft/
- Park City Math Institute: http://pcmi.ias.edu/program-index
- Princes Teaching Institute residentials: http://www.princes-ti.org.uk/
- Dana Hall math &science workshops: http://mathscienceworkshops.org/
Things that initially looked good, but we don't use them.
- London Knowledge Lab (future of digital learning): http://www.lkl.ac.uk/cms/index.php
- inspired by this http://www.ams.org/notices/201210/rtx121001408p.pdf
Special sub-category: gone but not forgotten
- Rolfe Schmidt blog (now dormant, but interesting perspective from enlightened Dad-teacher) This introduction to modular arithmetic was particularly interesting: http://rolfeschmidt.wordpress.com/2007/05/15/rainbow-arithmetic/#comment-3582
- Marshall Hampton wrote another blog that now is dormant: http://neutraldrifts.blogspot.com/. He posted an interesting set of worksheets that he wrote for his daughter.
Resources for math activities
- http://www.resourceaholic.com/
- http://neutraldrifts.blogspot.com/
- http://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/symmetry/radspir1.htm
- http://mathtwitterblogosphere.weebly.com/cool-things-weve-done-together.html
- https://brilliant.org/
- http://prethomework.weebly.com/
- http://www.emaths.co.uk/
- http://www.mathrecreation.com/
- https://learnzillion.com/
- http://studyjams.scholastic.com/
- https://www.mathfactcafe.com/
- https://www.illustrativemathematics.org/
- http://math.rice.edu/~lanius/Lessons/index.html
- http://mrseteachesmath.blogspot.com/
- http://paper.li/mrpinizzotto/1401236729
- https://missquinnmaths.wordpress.com/
- http://rationalexpressions.blogspot.com/
- http://banhar.blogspot.com/
- http://www.base-ten.com/tm/
- http://www.yummymath.com/
- http://danielsongroup.org/framework/
- http://wild.maths.org/
- http://www.moebiusnoodles.com
- http://www.arguingwithalgorithms.com/posts/
- Natural Math questions (Not sure what to name this): http://gowers.wordpress.com/2012/06/08/how-should-mathematics-be-taught-to-non-mathematicians/
- Estalmat activities (in spanish): http://www.uam.es/personal_pdi/ciencias/ehernan/Talento/Indice.htm
- International Tournament of Young Mathematicians: reading and critiquing the proofs is a fun exercise: http://www.itym.org/
- Intro to programming: http://tiny.cc/mathslogo1, http://tiny.cc/mathslogo2, http://tiny.cc/mathslogo3
- Art of problem solving: http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/
- Figure This! http://www.figurethis.org/index.html
- Khan Academy: http://www.khanacademy.org/
- www.mathletics.co.uk: very procedural, but fun competitive format.
- Origami and string designs (many online)
- algebra worksheets: http://algebrafunsheets.com/
- Spanish math blogs: a big list, young mathematician, what doesn't kill you, SOS.
- http://www.growingsmartkids.com/
- http://www.homeschoolmath.net/online/math_games_fun.php
- http://www.funbrain.com/
Ref: TeX symbols
http://web.ift.uib.no/Teori/KURS/WRK/TeX/symALL.htmlscript to put at top of posts:
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config"> MathJax.Hub.Config({tex2jax: {inlineMath: [['$','$'], ['\\(','\\)']]}}); </script> <script src="http://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML" type="text/javascript"> </script>
Math Devil: have found this to be quite good. Discussed in blog post here.
Smullyan's Puzzle books: Alice in Puzzle Land, What's the Name of this Book, Chess Mysteries of the Arabian Nights and Chess Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes
List from Mike Lawler that was his response to this twitter sourced list at Aperiodical
Beast Academy
Art of Problem Solving
This is not a maths book by Anna Weltman
List from Mike Lawler that was his response to this twitter sourced list at Aperiodical
Beast Academy
Art of Problem Solving
This is not a maths book by Anna Weltman
The doorbell rang
The Cat in Numberland
Phantom tollbooth
Oliver Selfridge books: Mud, Sticks, Fingers, The Trouble with Dragons
Flatterland by Ian Stewart
Flatterland by Ian Stewart
Anno's Mysterious Multiplying Jar - and other books by Mitsumasa Anno
How Much is a Million? - and other books by David Schwartz
Fractals, Googols, and other Mathematical Tales - and other books by Theoni Pappas
One Grain of Rice - and some of Demi's other books
Rob Eastaway's books
The Dot and the Line - by Norbert Juster (of Phantom Tollbooth fame)
Books about M.C. Escher
Alice in Wonderland
Godel Escher Bach
Martin Gardner books
Books by Feynman
Math-terpieces: The Art of Problem Solving by Greg Tang (get your art and math fix at the same time!)
Algebra by Artin
Anno’s Mysterious Multiplying Jar by Masaichiro and Mitsumasa Anno
How Much is a Million? by David M. Schwartz (my husband still remembers this one fromReading Rainbow)
Math Curse by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith
G is for Googol: A Math Alphabet Book by David M. Schwartz
The Boy Who Loved Math: The Improbable Life of Paul Erdos by Deborah Heiligman and LeUyen Pham
Algebra the easy way (don’t mind the cover): http://www.amazon.com/Algebra-Easy-Way-Douglas-Downing/dp/0764119729/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1346659944&sr=1-1&keywords=algebra+the+easy+way#_
Ones I have and know well:
Trio blocks,
Lego (of course)
Zometool (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zome). I've found this breaks easily for young kids, but they will replace broken parts.
Zometool (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zome). I've found this breaks easily for young kids, but they will replace broken parts.
Sum swamp: ok game for some basic arithmetic, parents will quickly tire of it.
Settlers of Catan
Blackjack (traditional)
Chinese Checkers
Connect 4
Pattern blocks
mechanical puzzles. Many sources, two that have a great range: www.puzzlethis.co.uk and http://www.puzzledup.co.uk/products/index.htm
backgammon (traditional)
snakes and ladders (for small children: covers counting and simple addition)
Have seen/played briefly, but don’t know well
Hey, That’s My Fish!
Have been recommended, but I don’t have direct experience:
The Logical Journey of the Zoombinis
Corridor (Jr)
Lego mindstorm
5. Intelligent support for mathematical generalisation (part of London knowledge lab) http://www.lkl.ac.uk/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=193&Itemid=91
a friend wrote:
ReplyDeleteThis is an interesting talk, and there are others on their site.
Other resources
What a list! Here's another to consider, which we are just starting to pilot: http://tiltontec.com/
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, your product doesn't make my list. Tracy Zager has recently written a really good post that might help you see what is lacking: Criteria for fact based app.
DeleteI'm also open to the possibility I didn't see the product you wanted me to check out. What I looked at (tiltonsalgebra.com) is a collection of (external?) videos and straight drill problems. However, that product doesn't really match what I expected from your bio at teh the bottom of the tiltontec.com landing page.
Thank you for sharing your experiences and resiurces. I am particularly interested in the math habits of the mind but find the link leads to a general website, is it a book, an article? Could the link be broken?
ReplyDeleteWould love to read an entire post on your thoughts and exploration of this topic.
Wow, sorry that I neglected this for so long. Indeed, that link appears to be broken. Here's a link to the PDF: Habits of Mind. In case it gets broken again, the best search terms I suggest for this paper are "mathematical habits of mind cuoco goldenberg."
DeleteBest Onlines toys Shop for your children. Certainly, a family is very difficult when some small minions are roaming in their house, who have only one job to destroy the house. And blossom in the whole house. Your house does not look different from the scene of a film's disaster. Certainly, a family is very difficult when some of the younger ministers are moving into their house, who have only one task to destroy the house. And blossoms all over the house. Your house does not look different from the disaster scene of a film.
ReplyDeleteI have read your post that was amazing. Thanks for sharing this article.
99 Studies Every Teacher Needs to Know